Solo Paulson

Solo - Ellen Lagergren

Portrait of a fiddler

About haft a century before I even started to play the nyckelharpa, Ellen Lagergren, a fiddler, mother and music lover drove around the county of Västmanland on her motorbike in the 1930s, finding old musicians still playing the old repertoir. With her knowleage of writing music she collected, transcribed and sent the material they shared with her, to the archives for us to enjoy today! A woman very passionated around her music, and the care for the tunes that have been carring us through lifes difficulties and joy, for many generations - a passion I recognize in my own work as a spelman. A mother of three childern, divorced twice, with the constant strive to stay true to her identitiy as a musical being, performing and sharing this love, during all her life. Her work has made it possible for us to hear the voices of former generations of spelmän - also the voices of women - that I now will put my voice and interpretation on, as part of the living tradition. During 2022 I released a solo album, with funding from the art council in Sweden and once again make these tunes sing for an audience.

read more about the spring tour in Västmanland here.

Music video Polska ef Anna Lisa Norman

Live in Boda 2021, "Polska ef Anna Lisa Norman"

Music video live consert

Live at Stallet, Stockholm 2021

presstext pressphoto stageplot