
Carina och Josefina has played music together during more then 20 years. First as student and teacher, then as close friends with a musical mother and daughter bound. Carina being one of the strongest voices of the traditional music in Västmanland and a master on fiddle, Josefina deeply inspirerad by her strong and free voice of always making meaningful music. They have made many CDs together and always find new projects to dive in to.
Lars Larsson, Kumla Sala
Right now putting new life into the archive material after Lars Larsson from Åkersbo, Kumbla, outside Sala. Valses , Menuetts and polonäs from his private tune book dated 1789…
The bellringers from Möklinta -
Robert och Gustaf Landin
Get to know Robert and his father Gustaf by listening to the repertoire from their two books of collections of their favourite tunes. Two loved fiddlers from the eighteen hundreds, Gustaf with his beautiful compositions and Robert with his cleaver and sometimes cheeky second voices. Here both in the original arrangements according to their books, as well as Carina and Josefinas perspective on how this music can be arranged in living tradition.
Local repertoar from Sala, the city of silver mining
The people of Sala has been playing music and dancing for generation and as a way to survive the hard life as a miners, music became a tool for endurance as well as celebration of life.
Christmas tunes from Västmanland
Voices from past generations, reflecting and telling the stories around christmas and jul celebration as it was done some hundred years ago in the villages of Västmanland county.
Nils Ferlin - Colbjörn Lindberg
Together with marvelous singer and interpreter Colbjörn Cobbe Lindberg, the duo Normansson/Paulson has put together a program about the Swedish poet Nils Ferlin, with Cobbes compositions and the groups arrangements. The performance is in Swedish...
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live session in Johannisbäck, Sala, 2017